What do we use donations for? |
Make a tax-deductible impact with your donation! |
All of your generous donations contribute directly to Ladki Love. The money will be used to buy supplies for fundraisers, to cover legal fees, and for other such expenses. More importantly, this money will be used to contribute to our various initiatives. Whether that be specific events and fundraisers, or direct donations to shelters, your generosity will ultimately help us help others. Thank you.
As a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, donations to Ladki Love are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our Tax ID (EIN) is 82-4251024 and you can verify our tax-exempt status on the IRS website. For personalized advice, please consult with your tax professional.
Past donations
- "Homes of Hope:" Supported education of one girl and provided 2 weeks worth of food for a shelter
- "Sathya Sai Girls Home and School:" Donated supplies such as toothpaste and soaps, as well as 122 packs of sanitary pads, totaling to 1,413 pads
- "PAPA Home for Girls:" Donated a washing machine in partnership with Neehasoft Inc.
- "Sakhi for Education:" Funded teachers salaries, funded program participation, and purchased educational supplies. Later pledged additional funds as well.
- "Sambhali Project:" Donated to their Primary Education and Vocational training project, the Scholarship Project, and the SOS project, which provides emergency medical support for those in need of aid
- "Generation Yuvaa:" Donated a washing machine in partnership with Neehasoft Inc.
- "Gurukulam High School:" Funded the higher education of a girl student, including books and uniforms
- "WHO COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund," "NARIKA," "City Meals on Wheels": COVID-19 relief donations
- "Minnesota Freedom Fund," "Partnership with Native Americans," "Reclaim the Block": BLM donations
- "Sri Siddhar Gnannapeedam Trust": Sponsoring 4 years of higher education and expenses for a student
- "Myna Mahila's COVID Response": Donated to COVID-19 mobile clinic that provided medical supplies and health condition monitoring to patients in urban slums
- "Kasturba Gandhi Balikala": Installed 20 ceiling fans and 10 white boards for instruction at this school in the Renjal Village that served underprivileged and economically challenged girls
- "Bangalore Oniyavara Seva Coota": Provided 2 girls with a year long education. residential care. and access to counseling and job training services
- "Kriti Social Initiatives:" Donated to vocational training centers in the Hyderabad slums